Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty
Lamb Island Humper

Steam Drying

Steam Drying
Lamb Island Steam Dryer

Woolen Blankets

Woolen Blankets
Lamb Island

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Gay Bike hire 88 high Street Maitland New South Wales contact Paul Hannah VK2HV

1800 POO PUSHER or email

Friday, August 20, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tim Wright VK4HFO living off the Dole

Since making Lamb Island his place of abode and renting through LJ Hooker, Bay of Islands Branch. He is renting at 11 Wyena St Lamb Island.
Tim Wright has been living of the Dole ever since sneaking out of New Zealand for shagging a Ram. He was holding the Ram by the horns and when asked by the farmer what was he doing with his Ram? he Tim Wright repled: It's okay Im going to push him up that hill over there about 500mts away. The farmer called the police so Tim took off and got onto a yacht and came over to Lamb Island of all places to go, this was knowing that he would serve jail again as this would be his 4th offence of shagging sheep.

All he lives for is CB radio and DXClusters and being a Band Policeman.

His Mate Paul Hannah VK2HV is tared with the same brush, just as is his mate from above.
VK2HV has a criminal record a mile long, and has been kicked of every Bike club known, the only way he can participate in events like the Toy Run, he has to be a hanger on.

Last heard that he tried to make love to a "Cross Dresser" at the Wyong Hamfest this year 2010. Evedently the police were called but could not get near him because of the Body Odour (Stench. They say you can smell him 1.5klm's away even with a tail wind.